Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Lemon - 14w3d
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
By weeks 14-17, your baby's bone marrow is producing blood cells; his liver is secreting bile; his pancreas is producing insulin; and he will be covered in a layer of downy hair called lanugo. Around week 16, you may get your first ultrasound, but don't count on learning your baby's sex quite yet. Between weeks 14 and 18, you can opt to have a Quad Screen or amniocentesis, tests that can detect a neural-tube defect, such as spina bifida, Down syndrome or other genetic disorders. Discuss these tests with your doctor to help you decide.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Big u/s is scheduled!!

We find out if Little Kob is a boy or a girl on July 29th! Get your votes in on the right!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our Peach - 13w5d
Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)
Your baby is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long, the size of a medium goldfish. She weighs about one ounce. Your baby is shorter than a finger, but her face is already showing individual features and characteristics! Her ears are now developed enough that she may be able to hear when you sing, hum, or talk. And her vocal cords will form this week—soon she'll be able to sing back. Your baby spends her time in your womb flexing her new and developing muscles and joints. Bouts of prenatal hiccups are strengthening your baby's diaphragm, which is preparing her respiratory system for breathing. Less glamorous but highly necessary organ systems for making hormones, absorbing nutrients, and filtering waste are also in place this week. The pancreas, gall bladder, and thyroid have developed, the kidneys can make urine, and her bone marrow is making white blood cells to help fight infection after she's born.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We went in for our 2nd OB appointment today and were pleasantly surprised that we would be hearing our baby's hb. Of course, as soon as I realized it, I got a little nervous that we wouldn't have one to hear. But I was so happy when Little Kob's hb immediately came over the speaker.

We also received a script and referral for the BIG u/s. I will be making the appointment tomorrow for anywhere between August 1st and August 15th. We couldn't be more excited!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Plum - 12w1d
As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.
Your baby's crown-to-rump height is 2 1/2 inches, or about as tall as a squash ball. She may weigh as much as half an ounce. This begins the age when the fetus starts to look really cut in those womb pictures. If you had a womb camera, you'd be able to see your baby's proportions changing, with the growth of the head slowing down to let the rest of the body catch up. Arms, legs, and fingers are also growing out and tapering to look more like a newborn's, and your baby's posture becomes less curled and more upright. Isn't it amazing that every person in the world was once the size of your thumb? And for that matter, for every person alive, some woman went through a pregnancy?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My life is crazy

I can't even update this blog and my company blog I'm so busy. Last week Jeff and I went through the process of deciding if it was worth it to put a ton of money into his 95 Honda Civic that had a ton of problems big and small.

Finally, we went with getting a new (used) car. It's wonderful having a working speedometer and a/c, let me tell you. Plus, it looks so professional! It's a 2007 Ford Edge in gun metal grey. Beautiful!

Pregnancy-wise, I can't believe I'm 12 weeks! Almost out of the first trimester! Things are getting bigger, and I'm getting uncomfortable. Probably time to start prenatal yoga!