Thursday, December 3, 2009

Being induced!!

Right at this moment we're in the hospital being induced! Your prayers certainly worked quickly!

We went in for a routine appt, actually ready to argue for my health, and when the Dr. came in he pretty much said we're being induced. Actually it went like this:

Me (to Jeff): I hope he comes in going "Ready to have a baby?"
Jeff: That won't happen.
::Doctor knocks::
Dr: Hello! How are you doing?
Me: Ugh.
Dr: Ugh?
Me: Everything has gotten worse.
Dr: Well I guess we'll have to keep you.
Me: Ok, keep me!
Dr: We are.
Me & Jeff: You are?
Dr: Yup, there was protein in your urine so we're keeping you. Be careful what you wish for.
::I burst into tears:: Ok, that's not true, I waited for the Dr. to leave first.

So Cole will most likely be here. I hope via vaginal birth, but we'll see. Keep sending those prayers, we appreciate them so very much!!

1 comment:

  1. oo yay! not yay about the problems, but I hope he's here! Wishing you all the best.
