Friday, February 5, 2010

I did it!

Yesterday Cole hit 2 months! And while taking his official picture, he gave me the biggest smile and I caught it on camera! WOOT!

His appointment went well, he's up to 12 lbs 4 oz and 23.5 inches long (75th percentile for both!) I loved hearing "Well, now there's a healthy 2 month old!" haha

He also got his shots, 2 of them to be exact, one in each of his little, chubby thighs. Yes, I cried harder than he did. And an oral vaccine as well. When they told me one of the shots contained like 4 or 5 vaccines in one I said "So, I guess they're trying to make it impossible for anyone to stagger the vaccines. No use in me fighting it, huh?" I wanted to be on an alternate schedule, but I didn't do a ton of research and I never really talked it over with the ped. I've always been pro-vaccine, it's just becoming a parent makes me second guess a lot of things. So it wasn't terribly hard to let go of the alt schedule, but it was hard not to worry afterward.

One of the shots he was supposed to get wasn't in stock, which I was secretly thankful for since it was one more he didn't have to cram into his little body. We have to go back next week and I'm terrified because it's one with the "typical" side effect of a fever. I won't be sleeping that night if that's the case. :-/

But he took the ones from yesterday really well. We had a bottle with us and fed him right after which stopped the crying, then we changed him and he immediately fell asleep. His fussiness was only a little bit increased but by 1 am, he was back to as normal as he could get. And he slept two 3.5 hr stretches! ::sigh:: I love him.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear his shots went well. We had the combo shot too, so no way to stagger them. He's adorable!
