Friday, February 19, 2010

We're getting through

I seem to be a little crazy when I have to get up less than an hour after putting Cole to bed. The past two weeks DH has put his foot down about me doing all the work at night while he slept since he's trying to get up at 5 am and put in a ton of hours (he's hourly and wants to take advantage of that)...I was resistant only because I've been terrified of being hit hard with PPD and anxiety since normal depression and anxiety run in my family. I knew I'd resent him sleeping while I took care of the baby and I didn't want to be alone. Yes, I'm psycho it seems.

But two days ago I asked Jeff to be the one to stay up with Cole until he fell asleep, which is anywhere from 9 to 11 depending on Cole's mood. And I just go right to sleep. And guess what? This works for me! I can get up the other times in the night with no problem because that first stretch was a decent one. Fingers are crossed that this continues.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Great idea! I used to go to bed @ 7, J @ 10. If Ava was sleeping, we'd sleep, if she was not, I'd wake up until she dropped off. Makes a world of a difference!!!!!
