Monday, May 18, 2009

1st u/s!!!!

Little Kob is doing very well! We didn't get the exact heart beat measure, but we got to see it in the u/s! You can see the baby all curled up in the pic, head is to the left...tilting your head to the left will allow you to see it better.

I had a classic Jennifer Aniston moment like on Friends- me: "I don't see it!"..."Oh, ok, I see it now", Jeff: "Really?", me: "No, I don't see it!" But I finally saw it!

Our doctor is awesome. He basically said to stop reading the pregnancy books and the internet. I'm pregnant, not dead. I can do almost anything I did before. I'm very excited to get back to lifting, I've felt like crap w/o it. He also mentioned that I could lose weight while pregnant since I'm overweight. I'm happy with that!

Our due date was pushed back to 12/22/09 (we have a thing with the 22nd of the month apparently, we got married on 9/22/07!)

We're really really happy and ready to tell the world!

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