Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Darn allergies

I went to the Doctor on Friday because what I thought was a cold was getting worse. My cough was horrible and what I spit up wasn't pretty. She said that it seems like allergies but a pretty bad case of them and said I could take Claritin daily safely during pregnancy. She also said to pick up saline nasal spray. SOLD!

4 days later, I'm still suffering through this cough. Some days it's bad enough to completely eclipse the nausea. I toss and turn all night and I'm relieved when it's time to wake up. I can't stand this. And I have this overwhelming feeling of fluid in my lungs.

But the Doctor didn't seem worried, so I'm thinking I might be overreacting. Either way though, I'll be back in her office by weeks end if this continues. Boo.

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