Thursday, July 30, 2009

Little Kob is a....

BOY!!!! Mmm mmm blue icing! His name is Cole Jeffrey!

My friend took a video of the reveal but until I can acquire that, here's some more pictures!

Another milestone! - 19w2d

I wanted to make this it's own little post. This morning at 6 am, our LO was wide awake and kicking me right under the belly button. The milestone is it was the first time I could feel it with my hand!!!

It was the slightest tap on my hand and DH couldn't feel it unfortunately, but I'll never forget it!

Everything but the sex

Ok, that title looks worse then I intended haha

We now have the gender in an envelope and plan to follow through with the cake idea (as much as I tried to tempt Jeff to open it). I'm dying...I'm by myself at home and trying to stay away from it!

The u/s was unbelievable. Our LO couldn't stop moving around. We also saw him/her sucking in some of the amniotic fluid (which we have a picture of! Will post later!) I *think* the profile is Jeff's but we'll just have to see when he/she is born. The tech wanted the baby to flip onto his/her stomach and after a couple minutes not only did he/she flip to the stomach, he/she flipped in the opposite direction as well!

Heartbeat was 146 bpm and surprisingly the baby is measuring 12 days ahead! Not sure if this is a growth spurt that will be more on track later or if this a big baby! I'm a little freaked. If the OB thinks it's a good idea, my new due date would be 12/10/09!

One thing that I haven't forgotten from the u/s was when the tech "slipped" and said "It's a little difficult, he loves going under your belly button." (So most of you and I might just be wrong!!) Jeff didn't even notice but I was like "AHA!" So now I'm wondering if she even knew at that point or just accidentally picked a gender to reference...we'll see tonight!

Monday, July 27, 2009

So here's the plan

As you can see, we have 2 days left until the big u/s! The plan right now is to have the tech put the sex into an envelope and try to keep the sex a secret from us during the u/s.

Then our wonderful friend Sheila will be coming over on Thursday and icing a two layer cake that I will bake that morning. We have blue and pink icing for in between the layers and white for the outside.

Ok, I just sat here for ten minutes staring at the screen and thinking about cream cheese icing. ::drooling::

Sheila and her husband, Shannon, will stay for the big reveal when our families will come over later in the evening and we'll cut the cake!

We are so so sooooooo excited!! :-)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm bad :-(

I haven't taken one bump picture, not even ONE! I hide when someone else whips out a camera cause while I feel good in front of a mirror, pictures are a completely different story.

I do have a picture from our friends' wedding two weeks ago where I'm patting the belly but I don't think I look particularly it is!

No babies were harmed in the taking of this picture.

I will make an effort to start getting the bump pictures in order...especially cause I'm seeing so much of a difference from week to week. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Sweet Potato - 18w1d
Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
Your baby is about 5 to 5 1/2 inches long from top to tail and weighs a little more than five ounces, about the size of a lobster tail. While in earlier weeks, your baby may have been able to sense sound with her primitive ear structures, this week, the bones of the ear become fully formed along with the part of her brain that processes signals from his ears. There's still plenty of room in your uterus, so your fetus can be quite active with her new muscles. She may change positions frequently, cross her legs, recline, suck her thumb, and turn somersaults. Her retinas have become light sensitive, and your baby may be able to detect a glow if you shine bright lights at your belly (even though her eyelids are sealed).

Monday, July 20, 2009


It's hard not to care what people think of you. It's very hard when the opinion isn't deserved. But people will be gossipy and judgmental by nature and there's nothing you can do about it. Because arguing will only cement their opinion even more.

It's definitely one of the happiest times in my life but there's a certain recent situation that I occasionally get reminded of, and it dampens the mood a bit. But I've been screwed around with so many times in my life that I'm used to shutting the door on relationships I thought were important. Because life is too short to spend it on people who are selfish assholes that just assume the worst in people rather then looking for the best. I choose not to put up with that and fortunately for me, my dh is beginning to see the truth of my logic.

He's so unhappy with the situation, and so angry, I'm surprised he hasn't blown up. He's ready for a confrontation if it happens but he's just as happy to permanently cut off the relationship without any discussion which is just not his style. But it makes me happy that I have this one most important person in my life and that he understands me, knows me, and could never assume the worst of me. He could never intentionally hurt me.

So this is for a new beginning. I guess I can say I'm strong for having to do this once again in my life. And I'm hoping to be strong the next time it happens, because unfortunately I don't have much faith it won't. But I'm still grateful for the life I have, for the people that haven't and, I know will not, disappoint me. I thank God for my blessings and have always only wished happiness on the people who surround me, past and present.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oh pregnancy brain

Who knew pregnancy brain would be so darn messy?

While preparing my morning coffee mug (I put the splenda in first), I walked over to the keurig, loaded in the k-cup and proceeded to press the 10 ounce button. Coffee starts pouring out and where do I realize the mug is? On the other side of the kitchen!

Mmm coffee from the counter and floor, yummy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Finally, some baby stuff!

I mentioned the presents my mom and MIL got me for Mother's Day but I never got around to posting them. Well here they are!

My MIL went up to Penn State for a weekend and got me the adorable t-shirt, rattle, and frame.

My mom got me this ridiculously cute note set. She didn't want to jinx anything by getting something for the baby just yet...I wonder where I get it from!

I did however buy a diaper bag. Actually, truth be told, I saw it on sale at a Fossil Outlet (which, btw, I'm obsessed with Fossil so don't be surprised if most of my bags, wallets, watches, eye glasses, etc come from there) in September 2008. Yeah, I wasn't even pregnant yet! But I knew what I wanted the nursery to look like and that I wanted a Fossil bag as my diaper bag and, well, this was perfect!

It's a roomy black canvas tote with 6 outside pockets all the way around and 3 pockets inside. The inside is green and white and matches the nursery perfectly. There's also a strap for the shoulder!

Father's Day came along and I was already calling that we were having a girl (I don't know why, I'm just stuck on that thought) so I bought the Daddy-to-be a bunch of onesies, one of which says "I love my Daddy" Awww!

Now is it awful that both Jeff and I said (at separate times!) that if we have a boy he's def wearing the "I'm a princess everyday" onesie? Oh we're cruel! ;-)

Last but not least, I found my stork!! If you look at the picture of the nursery we like, there's a stork standing on a block in one corner of the room. This one will be painted white and will have a little fabric hammock hanging from it's mouth. I'm so excited!