Monday, July 20, 2009


It's hard not to care what people think of you. It's very hard when the opinion isn't deserved. But people will be gossipy and judgmental by nature and there's nothing you can do about it. Because arguing will only cement their opinion even more.

It's definitely one of the happiest times in my life but there's a certain recent situation that I occasionally get reminded of, and it dampens the mood a bit. But I've been screwed around with so many times in my life that I'm used to shutting the door on relationships I thought were important. Because life is too short to spend it on people who are selfish assholes that just assume the worst in people rather then looking for the best. I choose not to put up with that and fortunately for me, my dh is beginning to see the truth of my logic.

He's so unhappy with the situation, and so angry, I'm surprised he hasn't blown up. He's ready for a confrontation if it happens but he's just as happy to permanently cut off the relationship without any discussion which is just not his style. But it makes me happy that I have this one most important person in my life and that he understands me, knows me, and could never assume the worst of me. He could never intentionally hurt me.

So this is for a new beginning. I guess I can say I'm strong for having to do this once again in my life. And I'm hoping to be strong the next time it happens, because unfortunately I don't have much faith it won't. But I'm still grateful for the life I have, for the people that haven't and, I know will not, disappoint me. I thank God for my blessings and have always only wished happiness on the people who surround me, past and present.

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