Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crib is ordered!

My parents had offered to buy us a crib which is a wonderful help for us and here's the one we settled on:I love it because of both the drawer and the included toddler bed rails.

It actually arrived the other day from Walmart, but the box was so banged up my parents sent it back and asked for a replacement. So that should be coming in any day now.

We've also almost completely cleared out the nursery and bought the paint, things are finally getting going!

I also found these awesome decals for the walls on I really need right now are the letters for his name so I can paint on them and the rest of the furniture moved in and we'll be pretty much done. Except for essentials like clothes and stuff. Oh and a closet for them to go in...yeah, forgot about that. Ok, back to planning!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's hard to hate the stretch marks

I just can't do it. I have major ones on either side of my belly button and I don't mind them because they're from our little boy growing. I've always been prone to them and they've never really bothered me, so why start now?

My scanner isn't working with me, so I took a pic of the BIG u/s. Here's Cole!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So far, so good

I just got back from my OB appt and Dr. Jacobson decided that we should keep our current due date. He said my uterus is measuring fine and that "the baby will come when he wants to come". So 12/22 it is!

Everything else looks good, he just told me to start being careful with my weight because it could lead to all the bad stuff. My goal for the next 4 weeks before the next appt is to workout at least 3 times a week. I've been so tired the whole pregnancy, but that's no excuse so IT'S ON!

I'm feeling very good right now and just so excited! :-)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh Boy!

Last night dh was talking to Cole and he goes,

"I'm going to teach you how to throw a baseball....

...through a window."

When I realized what he said, I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe I should teach Cole how to throw a baseball...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our baby boy's name

So like I said, his name will be Cole Jeffrey. Now I thought it would be pretty obvious where the name came from but it seems the majority of people don't get it and ask me how/why we came up with it.

Cole will be named after myself and Jeff. Cole used to be my nickname in high school and I had this idea one day that it would be cool to continue my dad's tradition of naming an opposite sex child after myself. So while my dad is Nicholas Jr., I am Nicole and now my son will be Cole. Jeff didn't want to use his name for a first name so we decided it would be the perfect middle name. Therefore, Cole Jeffrey K. :-)