Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our baby boy's name

So like I said, his name will be Cole Jeffrey. Now I thought it would be pretty obvious where the name came from but it seems the majority of people don't get it and ask me how/why we came up with it.

Cole will be named after myself and Jeff. Cole used to be my nickname in high school and I had this idea one day that it would be cool to continue my dad's tradition of naming an opposite sex child after myself. So while my dad is Nicholas Jr., I am Nicole and now my son will be Cole. Jeff didn't want to use his name for a first name so we decided it would be the perfect middle name. Therefore, Cole Jeffrey K. :-)


  1. I really toyed with the idea of Cole for our son, but we chose Aidan instead. I love your name choice (and I was Cole in high school, too!).

  2. Nicole, I love the name Aidan! I actually was thinking about it last summer while catching up on Sex and the City hehe It's a great name!
