Friday, February 19, 2010

Blog change

I'm thinking about changing the title of the blog but have no idea what to. And I'm kind of sad to see "Little Kob to Be" go. Who knew I could be a digital pack-rat?

We're getting through

I seem to be a little crazy when I have to get up less than an hour after putting Cole to bed. The past two weeks DH has put his foot down about me doing all the work at night while he slept since he's trying to get up at 5 am and put in a ton of hours (he's hourly and wants to take advantage of that)...I was resistant only because I've been terrified of being hit hard with PPD and anxiety since normal depression and anxiety run in my family. I knew I'd resent him sleeping while I took care of the baby and I didn't want to be alone. Yes, I'm psycho it seems.

But two days ago I asked Jeff to be the one to stay up with Cole until he fell asleep, which is anywhere from 9 to 11 depending on Cole's mood. And I just go right to sleep. And guess what? This works for me! I can get up the other times in the night with no problem because that first stretch was a decent one. Fingers are crossed that this continues.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I did it!

Yesterday Cole hit 2 months! And while taking his official picture, he gave me the biggest smile and I caught it on camera! WOOT!

His appointment went well, he's up to 12 lbs 4 oz and 23.5 inches long (75th percentile for both!) I loved hearing "Well, now there's a healthy 2 month old!" haha

He also got his shots, 2 of them to be exact, one in each of his little, chubby thighs. Yes, I cried harder than he did. And an oral vaccine as well. When they told me one of the shots contained like 4 or 5 vaccines in one I said "So, I guess they're trying to make it impossible for anyone to stagger the vaccines. No use in me fighting it, huh?" I wanted to be on an alternate schedule, but I didn't do a ton of research and I never really talked it over with the ped. I've always been pro-vaccine, it's just becoming a parent makes me second guess a lot of things. So it wasn't terribly hard to let go of the alt schedule, but it was hard not to worry afterward.

One of the shots he was supposed to get wasn't in stock, which I was secretly thankful for since it was one more he didn't have to cram into his little body. We have to go back next week and I'm terrified because it's one with the "typical" side effect of a fever. I won't be sleeping that night if that's the case. :-/

But he took the ones from yesterday really well. We had a bottle with us and fed him right after which stopped the crying, then we changed him and he immediately fell asleep. His fussiness was only a little bit increased but by 1 am, he was back to as normal as he could get. And he slept two 3.5 hr stretches! ::sigh:: I love him.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Let's try this again

My blogging goal is to try and post at least once a week. There's so much I already missed posting about, let me see what I can remember...

Except for a couple days during the 3rd week, I EBF for the first 5 weeks of Cole's life. Then he hit a growth spurt and while I was already dealing with ridiculous nipple and breast pain, the almost constant demand to feed him did me in. I was at the point of being MAD that my child dare be hungry again. And I realized I couldn't be like that. Add to that a bout of mastitis, and I was through with breastfeeding.

I now pump the majority of Cole's meals. I'm sad to say I can't keep up with his increased intake and some of his bottles are formula, but I'm at least happy the majority of what he takes in is BM.

Cole seemed to be headed for STTN around Christmas (2-3 weeks) where he had some nights with 4 to 5 hour was bliss! But then he went back to eating every 2 hours and our nights became hell.

It was just a week ago (7 weeks old) that he increased to 3 and 4 hour stretches. What we found with him was that if we fed him a little bit more, say 6 ounces instead of 4.5 or 5, over an hour instead of 20 min, he slept for these longer stretches. While all other things like reading, playing, snuggling, etc. failed, this worked. Thank God!

Smiling - Cole had been smiling in his sleep since a couple days after his birth but it wasn't until this past Friday, when he was 8 weeks old exactly, that I witnessed his first social smile. Let me tell you, my DS is an absolute angel, so freaking adorable. He has dimples! I'm even more in love!

Laughing - While I wouldn't consider it a "real" laugh as in a social one, right after his first social smile, Cole fell partially asleep (when he usually does is smiling) and actually giggled after a few closed eye smiles! It was the most heart melting sound, I can't wait to hear it again!

Holding head up - Cole has been a champ at this right from the beginning. We do tummy time on our chests, on his play mat and in his boppy a couple times a day. At around 6 weeks he was also lifting up on his forearms a couple times. He's getting so strong, so fast!

"Talking" - Cole loves to make sounds. When he's really content, he'll just lay there staring at me or Jeff and talk to us.

On top of all these things, Cole loves pushing with his legs, he's stood up a couple times while leaning on our sides on our bed (it was amazing!), he loves looking at so many objects (his favorites are the mirrors and speakers in our living room), and he's playing more and more with his hands and discovering his feet.

Here's a picture I took last week:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm sorry, I'm trying!

I really really suck at multi-tasking right now. I'll try harder to post more, but for now here's a story that I posted on the bump and had to share on my blog as well since I think it's hilarious...this proves my lack of ability to multi-task!

The other day I was trying to update my Quick Books for my business and needed the help of customer service. My DS was laying on my chest on the couch, I had my laptop on my lap behind him, my right hand was on the mouse while my left hand was holding his behind. So I put my cell phone on speaker phone and put it in my left hand as well.

Just before the call ended with Joe from customer support, my little guy woke up a bit and let out a very loud poop...right into the phone for Joe to hear. I was so shocked I hung up and didn't finish fixing my problem.

I couldn't stop laughing, this will teach me!