Thursday, October 29, 2009

My maternity pics are sick!

They were done by Caitlin Domanico, the #1 family photographer in Southeast Pennsylvania. Caitlin is a friend of mine but I can see her being just as relaxed and fun with any one of her clients.

Check out the preview of my maternity pics here, I'm so in love with them!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Surprise u/s!

At my 31w appointment, I met with the only female doctor in the practice and she mentioned that I was supposed to have had a follow up u/s after my 19w one because they didn't get super great pics of Cole's spine. She had no idea why I wasn't told by the male doctors but wrote me a script for another u/s. I was stoked!

DH and I set it up for 2 days later and got to see DS again. She got a really good shot of his face and mentioned he had "pouty lips"...I was like "Awww he has my mouth!" but we'll see for sure when he's born. I can't wait!

Cole is also still measuring 2 weeks ahead so the u/s tech said to not be surprised if he comes on Dec. 10th. We're keeping our fingers crossed that that's the case and he's a 2009 baby.

Monday, October 19, 2009

All work and no play...

This weekend was a killer but we got some huge projects done and I am thrilled. We took two big dressers in our bedroom that we have been dying to re-do (and sometimes dying to just trash) and re-finished them from a very light beige color to a dark mocha with a hint of gray color. There's still a few touches and a set of shelves which we also re-did to set up, and then I'll take some pics of our master bedroom to show off.

We also picked up Cole's dresser and put up his name! The dresser is from the same line as the crib but in white just like the one in my inspiration picture. I'll have pictures of it in the nursery later (since it's currently sitting in our living room after I finished installing the drawers and doors this morning).

As for Cole's name, I initially wanted to do the ribbon deal that a lot of moms-to-be are doing but something else popped into my head. Instead I wanted it to look like a 3D picture on the wall. We painted a white rectangle and glued the letters that I had spent a couple hours covering with pretty designed paper into the middle. Then dh was wonderful at measuring out some molding, painting it black and then gluing that to frame the rectangle. Since my camera decided to die at the exact moment I wanted to take pictures, here's some low resolution ones from my Blackberry.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Needles, needles everywhere

I got both my regular flu shot and the Rhogam shot today. I had read one post (on the 3rd tri Bump board) where the woman said the Rhogam shot is given in the ass. With a larger than normal needle.

Seriously, preconceived notions are what get people in trouble. I was nervous for the Rhogam shot thinking it's going to hurt like hell. Well I breezed through the flu shot and then breezed through the Rhogam shot. Sure, I didn't like the part where my ass is hanging out for this nurse to poke, but not so bad all around.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Two things

My life is a sitcom! We finally got around to watching last week's The Big Bang Theory, which we really relate to, huge dorks. And they actually had a cricket chirping in their apartment building which they went to search for. When that thing started chirping, dh and I were frozen for a second before we bent over laughing.

Second, last night I had a crazy scary dream and asked dh to hold me. I feel him poke me in the butt and he mumbles "No, I don't want to hurt the baby, turn around." I start shaking with laughter and go "I AM turned around, that's my butt!" His response? "This is going in your blog, isn't it?" LMAO!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

No GD for me!

I called 2 days after my blood test because I was told I would have to come in on Friday (yesterday) for my Rhogam shot. I set up an appointment for the shot and then was told that my glucose levels were "very good", I'm so relieved!

For the record, I didn't find the drink for the test to be bad at all, actually I considered it delicious and downed it pretty quickly. Yes, Cole, mommy is a freak.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Babe, you're a sitcom"...

My dh has been away all week for work and I hate being by myself, it scares the crap out of me. The anxiety during pregnancy is ten times worse then my normal level, and that's saying something!

So the other night I'm pretty much not sleeping just tossing and turning when, miracle of all miracles, I fall asleep! I wake up some unknown time later to an unrecognizable sound. At first it's integrated into my dream (I'm a huge dork and was dreaming about fixing up the website for my business...whenever I used the menu on the site, the sound would happen) until I realized the sound was actually not in sync with my dream. So I wake up a little more and check my alarm. Nope, not that. I wake up fully and it dawns on me that the sound is in fact a cricket. A LOUD cricket in my freaking room. A little cricket I'm terrified will jump in my mouth as I sleep.

So I get up and try to figure out where the cricket is and hear it coming from the direction of my closet. I stare horrified at my closet for what seemed like hours wondering how the hell I'm going to find this thing in my ridiculously disorganized closet. I look down at that moment and see the cricket is actually right outside the doors.

I'm sure you can imagine the rest: 6 month pregnant lady chasing around a little cricket at 4 am trying to get him to hop out the window because she doesn't want to kill the poor thing.

After telling dh about how scared I am at night and then mentioning the cricket, his response (while cracking up) was "Babe, you're a sitcom, not a horror movie." Umm thanks?