Sunday, October 25, 2009

Surprise u/s!

At my 31w appointment, I met with the only female doctor in the practice and she mentioned that I was supposed to have had a follow up u/s after my 19w one because they didn't get super great pics of Cole's spine. She had no idea why I wasn't told by the male doctors but wrote me a script for another u/s. I was stoked!

DH and I set it up for 2 days later and got to see DS again. She got a really good shot of his face and mentioned he had "pouty lips"...I was like "Awww he has my mouth!" but we'll see for sure when he's born. I can't wait!

Cole is also still measuring 2 weeks ahead so the u/s tech said to not be surprised if he comes on Dec. 10th. We're keeping our fingers crossed that that's the case and he's a 2009 baby.

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