Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Babe, you're a sitcom"...

My dh has been away all week for work and I hate being by myself, it scares the crap out of me. The anxiety during pregnancy is ten times worse then my normal level, and that's saying something!

So the other night I'm pretty much not sleeping just tossing and turning when, miracle of all miracles, I fall asleep! I wake up some unknown time later to an unrecognizable sound. At first it's integrated into my dream (I'm a huge dork and was dreaming about fixing up the website for my business...whenever I used the menu on the site, the sound would happen) until I realized the sound was actually not in sync with my dream. So I wake up a little more and check my alarm. Nope, not that. I wake up fully and it dawns on me that the sound is in fact a cricket. A LOUD cricket in my freaking room. A little cricket I'm terrified will jump in my mouth as I sleep.

So I get up and try to figure out where the cricket is and hear it coming from the direction of my closet. I stare horrified at my closet for what seemed like hours wondering how the hell I'm going to find this thing in my ridiculously disorganized closet. I look down at that moment and see the cricket is actually right outside the doors.

I'm sure you can imagine the rest: 6 month pregnant lady chasing around a little cricket at 4 am trying to get him to hop out the window because she doesn't want to kill the poor thing.

After telling dh about how scared I am at night and then mentioning the cricket, his response (while cracking up) was "Babe, you're a sitcom, not a horror movie." Umm thanks?


  1. LOL! That's pretty cute. I hate crickets in the middle of the night!

  2. I'm a constant source of amusement for my dh...
    I'm usually ok with crickets, I was shocked at how loud such a little thing could be!
