Monday, November 30, 2009

37w Appt

And it was with the female Dr. of the practice, the one that actually talks to me about what she's thinking.

She again made it clear that she doesn't think I will make it to my due date. I felt like telling her "Well, you don't know my body. It likes to play tricks with me. It will most likely make me suffer and keep all my symptoms just below the threshold of what you all need to approve putting me out of my misery (i.e. inducing me) until I am 1w5d past due, the date you said you would induce me if Cole hasn't decided to show up yet."

I did like that she acknowledged my other symptoms. Basically the other Dr. I have been seeing regularly only sees the HBP, and the possibility of protein in my urine and/or abnormal blood work. He completely ignores the ridiculous swelling, the horrible headaches and now the spots I see in front of my eyes. But this Dr. (I will call her Dr. P) noted down all the other symptoms and kind of groaned when I told her about them.

Oh, and I didn't mention the trip to L&D yesterday since I was worried about an onset of constant pain in my stomach (ALL over it) since Friday morning. I thought I might be in labor, but no, my body is laughing at me and my pain. I can't walk anywhere, I can't get into a position that has the pain at least subsiding enough where I can ignore it (forget the word "comfortable" from now on), I can't focus. But Cole is just fine, thank God.

The Dr. in L&D said there was 1+ protein in my urine and had me do a 24 hour collection. I should know the results by Wednesday at noon. I will be induced (no clue when) if there is protein present in the collection. I was very surprised (and grateful) to hear Dr. P go "I hate to say it, but I wish something would tip the scales so we can get you induced." I almost wanted to cry knowing she at least understood what was going on with me enough to say that. And I admitted to her I felt the same way.

So as much as I hate to hope for something to happen that's dangerous to both myself and Cole, I trust my Doctors and the timing of catching this thing enough to hope there is in fact protein in the urine collection. I hate playing around with our health when there's so much pointing to something being even a little bit wrong. Please pray we'll be welcoming Cole (and my recovering health) very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Here's to hoping that you'll be induced soon and everything goes well. Because your symptoms are scary - especially the spots!
