Sunday, November 8, 2009

Forgot to update on Cole

I went for my 33w appt. last Wednesday and initially had a high bp reading. They had me lie on my side after my appt. and when they took it again, it was back to normal. My doc didn't seem to like the high reading though and I'm now down to weekly visits. I'm not too thrilled with that but oh well, better safe than sorry.

Our Dr. also reviewed the u/s, said Cole was in the 72 percentile and everything is in the right place. I asked him if there was a limit to the size they would allow me to go over term with and he said no. He must've seen the fear on my face because he started explaining how I had a certain percentage chance of having a c-section no matter what and even though he thinks I will deliver vaginally, it might not be in the cards for me anyway. He also said the u/s could be off by 2 lbs. either way. After a friend of mine delivered an 8 lbs. baby girl this past Tuesday (when she was supposed to be 6 lbs.) I decided to stop worrying.

I also learned this week that my dad is calling a Thanksgiving baby. I think I turned white after hearing that haha!

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