Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sorry for no updates

Things have been busy. I've been back and forth from the Doctors' for almost a week now. Last Wednesday I went in for a regular visit and was found to have high blood pressure (from here on out, referred to as "HBP). There was no protein in my urine but they sent me to L&D (labor & delivery) for blood work and an NST (non-stress test...and these explanations of abbreviations are getting annoying!). Baby Cole is perfect, blood work is "beautiful", but mommy continued to come in and have HBP. I also developed a hideous headache that one Dr. prescribed a migraine level medicine for and guess what? It only partially touches the pain.

I'm also put on modified bed rest and was told they're trying to get me to 37w...which was scary and, I admit, a bit exciting until my last appointment. Here's an update I had sent to a friend in an email: "I went in to the Dr. again today (headache is so much worse) and BP is back up. I had the Dr. I like the least and he pretty much confused me again...he said that something else would have to go "wrong" (higher BP, protein in urine, abnormal blood work) in order to induce me...but I don't know if that means before 37 weeks or at all. I feel like things change from Dr. to Dr. He also said I have to "deal with" my headache until the baby is born.

He did the Strep B thing and an internal, I'm apparently 1 cm dilated (which could mean nothing) but he said it was "Good for a first time mom" UGH!"

So this is where I am right now. Trying to stay calm for Cole's and my own sake, but ridiculously frustrated that one Dr. made it seem like I would be induced around 37w in order to help with my severe pain but another doesn't think it's a good enough reason to induce me.

I'm going in tomorrow for another BP check...it sucks to say this but I hope I'm either fine or something has happened to convince them to "help" me next week because this limbo is frustrating and painful. I keep praying to go into labor so they don't have to do anything.

In happier news, I had my shower this past Saturday. Sure I was drugged and out of it with pain, but I couldn't have had a better time. My family and friends are the absolute best! You should see what they got Cole, he's one lucky little boy! :-)


  1. Awww man so sorry to hear you're in all this pain:(

    Keep me updated, can't wait to do your session!!!!!!!!!! :)


  2. Thanks,Caitlin! Of course I will keep you updated! ;-)
